220KV, 160MVA generating transformer leak repair by Leakxpert team at Karnataka
With the reference of the past work done by the Leakxpert team at BEST, Mumbai and CLP,Gujarat work , team has got to work in Karnataka wherin their was 270KV, 160MVA generating Transformer oil was leaking from many bolts and gasket in the Bell tank. Click this to view full video at site
So drums were kept to collect the oil that was leaking please see image alongside. Customer tried many options from market but they failed, but LeakXpert team arrested that leakage image shown alongside with the powerpatch material successfully.

After leak repair image
To view more before and after photos click here. LeakXpert service Team has attended and successfully stopped the leakage with powerpatch material of American Polywater corporation without draining transformer oil . Image shown on rightside shows the above leak repair of transformer successfully.